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Welcome, Earthlings and Mindful Spirits!

You've just stumbled upon your new sanctuary in this unique digital cosmos: "The Art of Being Human blog," masterfully curated by none other than the zen-seeker, chaos coordinator, and laugh enthusiast – Melissa!


In a world where being 'busy' is a status symbol and our phones are more like lifelines than devices, Melissa invites you on a whimsical journey back to the basics – being human. Yes, you read that right. Forget about climbing the corporate ladder or becoming a yoga guru who can twist into a pretzel. Here, we're all about embracing the gloriously imperfect art of human-ing.


Ever tried meditating and ended up taking an unplanned trip down memory lane, wondering if you ever returned your neighbor's casserole dish? Or perhaps found yourself in a deep philosophical debate about whether socks with sandals is a fashion statement or a cry for help? Melissa gets it, and she's here to share her hilariously relatable misadventures in mindfulness.


Through "The Art of Being Human," Melissa will guide you through the ups and downs of trying to find inner peace in a world that's about as calm as a squirrel after a double espresso. From epic tales of meditation mishaps to finding the profound in the prosaic – like how washing dishes can be a practice in presence (or just a really good excuse to play with bubbles).

So, kick off your shoes (unless you're into the socks-and-sandals look, no judgment here!), grab your favorite beverage, and get ready to chuckle, chortle, and maybe even snort-laugh as Melissa unveils the beauty, the bloopers, and the bliss of living mindfully.


Welcome to "The Art of Being Human blog." It's going to be an unforgettable ride, with Melissa as your delightfully quirky guide. Enlightenment, giggles, and maybe a few "aha!" moments guaranteed.


Let the shenanigans begin!

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